Copyright Statement
All digital images , text, ideas, and other content on this Fisheye Photography AKA trusTed Photography website are owned by Ted Fisher of trusTed Photogrpaphy, FisheyePhotography & Fun Photos UK except material provided by third parties, in which case the originator retains the copyright. All rights Reserved

All photographs are protected by the United Kingdom Designs and Patent Act of 1988 & International Copyright Law and also protected by other intellectual & moral property rights. Commercial publication or exploitation in any form of these images or files is specifically prohibited & protected.
Ted Fsher asserts the right to be identified as the author wherever and whenever his photographs are copied or distributed by any means.
Some photographs, images or ifiles are available for use in various forms for commercial, corporate, editorial and private use at a sensible fee. Please contact the owner Ted Fisher at; trustedphotography@me.com
Ted Fisher is also happy to make particular photographs, images or files available free of charge for non-commercial purposes, provided written permission is sought beforehand and the image is credtited and linked to this website if used on the World Wide Web.
Use of this website constitutes acceptance with the above Copyright Statement.
copyright Ted Fisher 2009 - 2019